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Omens and Threats in the Doha Round – The Decline of Multilateralism?
OMENS AND THREATS IN THE DOHA ROUND (The Decline of Multilateralism?) Daniel Drache and Marc D. Froese Faced with the lengthening shadow of the Doha Round of trade negotiations, scholars often…March 10, 2020 -
The Worried Global Public: Moral Authority in Times of Peril
The Worried Global Public: Moral Authority in Times of Peril Daniel Drache In the worst economic crisis in five decades, the massive growth of jobless people raises basic questions about the…March 10, 2020 -
The Short But Amazingly Significant Life of the ITO
The Short But Amazingly Significant Life of the ITO Free Trade and Full Employment: Friends or Foes Forever? Daniel Drache the global economy of the twenty-first century is strikingly different from…March 10, 2020 -
The Politics of Anti-Dumping in Dispute Settlement: The Trade Predator’s Constant Dilemma
The Politics of Anti-Dumping in Dispute Settlement: The Trade Predator's Constant Dilemma Daniel Drache While countries continue to negotiate new mega free trade agreements in the EU and the US, they…March 10, 2020 -
Poverty Eradication, Economic Integration and Citizenship: Modeling Social Inclusion after the Quebec Summit
Poverty Eradication, Economic Integration and Citizenship: Modeling Social Inclusion after the Quebec Summit Daniel Drache Mapping the conceptual foundations of social inclusion and its relationship to economic integration is a critical…March 10, 2020 -
The Imperative of the Social Bond after the Triumph of Markets
The Imperative of the Social Bond after the Triumph of Markets Daniel Drache For the better part of the last two decades, market fundamentalism in its many formulations relied on markets…February 6, 2020 -
A Report on Sexual Violence Journalism in Four Leading English Language Indian Publications Before and after the Delhi Rape
A Report on Sexual Violence Journalism in Four Leading English Language Indian Publications Before and after the Delhi Rape Daniel Drache, Jennifer Velagic The Delhi Rape is the most extensively covered rape…January 23, 2020
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